US Senate Advances $95.34 Billion Security Aid Bill for Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan

By The Media Line Staff

The US Senate on Thursday advanced a $95.34 billion aid bill designed to support Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, overcoming a Republican blockade of a broader legislative package that sought to overhaul immigration policy. Senators passed the procedural motion with a 67-32 vote, clearing the 60-vote barrier needed to push the bill forward, with 17 Republicans breaking ranks in a noteworthy shift from their previous position.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer heralded the vote as a crucial stride for national security and international humanitarian aid. “This bill is essential for our national security, for the security of our friends in Ukraine, in Israel, for humanitarian aid for innocent civilians in Gaza, and for Taiwan,” Schumer stated, emphasizing the bipartisan effort to continue work on the bill through the weekend if necessary.

The aid package earmarks $14 billion for Israel to aid its war against Hamas, $61 billion for Ukraine amidst its conflict with Russia, and $4.83 billion to bolster partners in the Indo-Pacific region, including Taiwan, against Chinese aggression. Additionally, it allocates $9.15 billion for humanitarian assistance in Gaza, the West Bank, Ukraine, and other conflict zones globally.

Despite the Senate’s progress, the bill’s fate in the House of Representatives remains uncertain, especially with opposition from Republicans closely aligned with former President Donald Trump, who have historically voted against Ukraine aid.

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