UN Secretary-General Promises Swift Response to Israel’s Claims of Hamas Presence in UNRWA Staff

By The Media Line Staff

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres assured immediate action on Thursday in response to any new information provided by Israel concerning the alleged infiltration of Hamas into the UN. This statement came after the dismissal of nine UN staff members in the Gaza Strip last month, following Israel’s accusation of their involvement in the Oct. 7 attack by Hamas terrorists. Israel has handed over a six-page intelligence dossier that—according to Reuters—alleges that around 190 UNRWA employees, including educators, have concurrently served as militants for Hamas or Islamic Jihad.

An internal UN investigation is currently underway, prompted by these serious allegations against staff members of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), leading to a temporary pause in funding from the United States—the agency’s largest donor—and other countries. “Any delegation that is presented to us by the government of Israel… we will act immediately upon it,” Guterres emphasized during a press conference.

Defending the decision to terminate the implicated staff, Guterres cited “credible information” from Israel, asserting the necessity of swift action given the criminal nature of the accusations. The situation has sparked significant debate, with Palestinians accusing Israel of fabricating information to undermine UNRWA, a critical provider of education, healthcare, and humanitarian aid in Gaza. Guterres reaffirmed UNRWA’s vital role in Gaza’s humanitarian response last month, urging international support to ensure the continuation of its operations.

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