Palestinian Authority Faces Backlash Over Crackdown on NGOs 

Dissatisfaction with PA’s governance fuels protests in Ramallah 

By Mohammad Al-Kassim/The Media Line

Dozens of protesters gathered outside the Supreme Judicial Council in the West Bank city of Ramallah on Tuesday, calling for the Palestinian Authority (PA) to end its crackdown on nongovernmental organizations, dissent, and freedoms. These demonstrators showed solidarity with two senior officials at the Coalition for Accountability and Integrity (AMAN) who were summoned for questioning last month by the PA prosecutor’s office. The interrogation followed the publication of a report implicating individuals close to PA President Mahmoud Abbas in alleged financial corruption.

“We feel this is an escalation and an assault on basic freedoms—an assault on freedom of expression, an assault on the right of civil society institutions and NGOs to hold the government and authorities accountable,” former Palestinian legislator Hanan Ashrawi told The Media Line.

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