House Passes $95 Billion Aid Package for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan Amid Bipartisan Support

On Saturday, the US House of Representatives passed a substantial $95 billion security assistance package aimed at supporting Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan amidst global tensions. The package, which saw broad bipartisan support, now heads to the Senate, where it is expected to pass swiftly before being signed into law by President Joe Biden.

This legislative package allocates $17 billion in defense aid to Israel and approximately $9 billion for humanitarian relief across various war-torn regions, including an expected $2 billion for Gaza. The aid to Israel includes significant investments in missile and rocket defense systems and advanced weapons technologies.

Despite the overwhelming support, the bill faced significant opposition from Republican hardliners who have criticized the fiscal impact and strategic implications of overseas military aid. However, key figures from both parties, including President Biden and Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell, have strongly advocated for the passage of this package, emphasizing its importance for global stability and US national security interests.

Israeli officials, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Foreign Minister Israel Katz, have expressed gratitude, viewing the House’s approval as a robust affirmation of US support in light of recent regional conflicts. On the other hand, some progressive Democrats have voiced concerns over the continuation of hostilities in Gaza and have called for a reassessment of military aid in favor of diplomatic and humanitarian solutions.

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