Gazans Tell TML ‘No Humanitarian Crisis,’ Need Solution From International Community

By Ahmed Abd al-Salam/The Media Line
In a video statement on Tuesday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu contended that Hamas had blocked non-affiliated Gazans from distributing aid, undermining efforts to stabilize Gaza. He asserted that a military victory over Hamas was essential, as diplomatic discussions about Gaza’s future are futile until Hamas is defeated.
The Media Line spoke to people within the Gaza Strip who criticized the large-scale but ineffective aid distribution, asserting that Gazans need sustainable solutions rather than temporary relief, and accused the UN and Arab countries of neglecting Gaza’s children. Women and children voiced their frustration over the lack of stability and normalcy, with no safe havens available and children missing out on their education and playtime. Additionally, citizens expressed a desperate hope for a hostage exchange to bring an end to the war, emphasizing the dire need for safe areas.

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